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From Romance to Romance: Translating among Medieval and Early Modern Romance Vernacular Texts (13th-18th c.) – Day 1

Monday, Jan 23, 2023 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Royce 314, 10745 Dickson Ct
Los Angeles, CA 90095 United States
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“From Romance to Romance: Translating among Medieval and Early Modern Romance Vernacular Texts (13th-18th c.),” is a two-day conference focusing on the many cross-influences among Romance literatures and cultures from the Middle Ages through more recent times, with special attention to the topic of translation. More than 25 international scholars will examine different aspects of the circulation of vernacular works via translations from one Romance language to another, from the 13th to the 18th century, in Europe and beyond. Employing an eclectic range of interests and approaches, their talks will cover translations among the following Romance languages and variants: Aragonese, Catalan, Franco-Italian, French, Galician-Portuguese, Italian, Judeo-Spanish, Ladino, Navarrese, Occitan, Spanish and Tagalog.

Day 1, Monday, January 23 in Royce 314

8 am Continental Breakfast
8:30 Welcome
8:45 SESSION 1: Catalan | Moderator: John Dagenais
“Translation and Textual Tradition: The Variation Process of the Libro de las donas (Eiximenis, 15th century)”
Laura Baldacchino, Sorbonne Université
“Three Catalan Translations of the Memorial of Angela de Foligno”
Aina Soley Mateu, University of California, Los Angeles
“An Unusual Template for a Middle French Life of Christ: La Vida de Jesu de Francesc Eiximenis, Anonymously Translated into the French De Vita Christi
Géraldine Veysseyre, Sorbonne Université
10:15 Break
10:30 SESSION 2: Latin | Moderator: Hélène Thieulin-Pardo
“Los avatares de una traducción: El libro de las propiedades de las cosas de Bartolomé Ánglico”
Flor María Bango de la Campa, Universidad de Oviedo
“Hugo de Urriés: traducción e interpretación de los Hechos y dichos memorables de Valerio Máximo”
Sara Gil Sáiz, Sorbonne Université
“A Translator’s Persona and his Audience: Alonso Ordóñez’s Translation of Aristotle’s Poetics from Latin and Italian Intermediaries (1626)”
Javier Patiño Loira, University of California, Los Angeles
12 pm Lunch Break
1:30 SESSION 3: Translation as Intervention | Moderator: Barbara Fuchs
“Out of Franco-Italian: Marco Polo’s Mongol Wars in Historical Context”
Sharon Kinoshita, University of California, Santa Cruz
“El papel de las traducciones intravernaculares en la apropiación hispana de modelos de representación extranjeros (siglos XIV-XV)”
Julia Roumier, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne
Le débat de l’homme et de l’argent: An Editorial Mystery and a Little-Known Early Translation from Italian”
Francesco Montorsi, Université Lumière Lyon 2
3:00 Break
3:15 pm SESSION 4: Beyond Iberia | Moderator: Sara Gil Sáiz
“‘Libriko de romansas importantes’: Transposed Spaces and Adaptation in 16th Century Iberian pliegos sueltos and 20th Century Sephardic librikos de romanzas
Roxanna Colón-Cosme, University of California, Los Angeles
“From Romance to Colony: Translating Nationalism in the Philippine Bernardo del Carpio”
Stefanie Matabang, University of California, Los Angeles
“Between Empire and Diaspora: The Agents and Transformations of Jerónimo de Urrea’s Spanish Translation of Orlando Furioso and its Sephardic Adaptation (Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, MS Canon. Or. 6)”
Tania Varela, University of California, Los Angeles
4:45 Break
5:00 Book Presentation | Moderator: John Dagenais
Iberian Babel: Translation and Multilingualism in the Medieval and the Early Modern Mediterranean with editors Michelle M. Hamilton and Núria Silleras-Fernández and commentators Marta Albalá Pelegrín and Sharon Kinoshita
6:00 Reception

See the schedule for Day 2, Tuesday, January 24.

Remote Attendance at ucla.zoom.us/j/93245427502
For inquiries, please contact John Dagenais at dagenais@humnet.ucla.edu

Jointly organized by the University of California, Los Angeles and Sorbonne Université by Roxanna Colón-Cosme (Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA), John Dagenais (Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA), and Tania Varela (Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA)

Romance to Romance Conference Program (PDF)

Image: “Christine instructs four men” The Book of the Queen, c. 1410–1414, f. 259v
Harley MS 4431, British Library


Monday, Jan 23, 2023
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Categories:


Royce 314
10745 Dickson Ct
Los Angeles, CA 90095 United States
+ Google Map


UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese
View Organizer Website