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Hammer Art History Lecture by Shawon Kinew, “St. Paul Among the Snakes: A Maltese Artist Goes Home, c. 1660”

Royce 314 10745 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles, CA

Abstract: At the end of the 1650s, Melchiorre Cafà, a Maltese sculptor, was newly established in Rome. Rome was the most significant site for sculptural production in Europe at that time. It was also a Golden Age of sculpture as artists vied for papal commissions and pushed the limits of their medium. They transformed hard...

On Land and Across the Sea: Boccaccio’s Other Wor(l)ds. Junctions and Interweavings Conference

Royce 314 10745 Dickson Ct, Los Angeles, CA

To mark 650 years since Boccaccio’s death, a conference on Boccaccio’s Other Wor(l)ds invites exploration of Boccaccio’s “Other Words” and “Other Worlds.” Boccaccio’s narratives—not limited to the Decameron—vividly depict cultural and intellectual exchanges, emphasizing human behavior, morality, and societal complexities across the Mediterranean and beyond, including Cathay. In the Decameron, the Levant serves as a crucial geographical and cultural...

Odious Comparisons…Across & Beyond the Early Global World

Organized by Basil Arnould Price (John W. Baldwin Postdoctoral Fellow, CMRS-CEGS, UCLA) and Nancy Alicia Martínez (Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, UCLA) In his 1996 essay “Why Comparisons Are Odious,” W.J.T. Mitchell observed that if “difference and identity are the potent and inevitable terms in a new comparativism grounded in culture, it may be important to...