Junior & Mid-Career Faculty Book Manuscript Workshops
Call for Applications for AY 2024-2025
The CMRS Center for Early Global Studies’ Junior and Mid-Career Faculty Book Manuscript Workshops aim to provide quality feedback on a first full draft of a pre-tenure or second book manuscript in preparation for publication. Workshop participants are selected by the book manuscript’s author and include:
- Two faculty members or scholars from outside the region who are invited to participate based on their expertise with the book manuscript’s subject matter. Funding for economy class travel and lodging, and an honorarium will be provided.
- Two or more UCLA faculty members.
- Two UCLA doctoral graduate students.
The workshop’s schedule and activities are at the discretion of the book manuscript’s author. Activities usually include time allotted for the invited guest experts to comment on the manuscript, group discussion time, lunch (on-campus or catered) and/or dinner (off campus). Examples of the schedules from previous workshops can be found below.
Up to $5,000 is available for each workshop. Up to three workshops will be selected for AY 2024-2025. Funding is provided by CMRS-CEGS, the Dean of the faculty member’s Division or School, and the academic department of the faculty member whose book manuscript is being discussed.
Eligibility and Application Procedure
CMRS-CEGS junior and mid-career faculty are eligible to apply for a 2024-25 book manuscript workshop. To apply, please submit a letter of request to Director Zrinka Stahuljak at zs@humnet.ucla.edu. The letter should include: 1) a description of the book manuscript (1st or 2nd book) to be discussed and its state of completion (500 words); 2) the preferred quarter for the workshop; and 3) a list of potential workshop participants (maximum 8-10).
Please feel free to contact Director Stahuljak if you have any questions.
Application deadline: April 1, 2024
Winter Quarter, 2025
Junior Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop
Lydia Spielberg, Classics
Winter Quarter, 2025
Junior Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop
Lamia Balafrej, Art History
“No Newe Enterprize: The Innovation Prohibition and the New Science of Politics in Colonial America”
Junior Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop
Location: Royce 306
Alex Mazzaferro, Department of English
Schedule, January 22, 2024
Introduction, 10:00am – 10:15am
Session 1, led by Eric Slauter, 10:15am – 11:45am
Break, 11:45am – 12:00pm
Lunch, 12pm – 1:00pm
Session 2 led by Sarah Rivett, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Break, 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Discussion, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Invited Participants
Alex Mazzaferro, UCLA
Eric Slauter, University of Chicago
Sarah Rivett, Princeton University
Chris Looby, UCLA
Carrie Hyde, UCLA
Cristobal Silva, UCLA
Carla Pestana, UCLA
Barbara Fuchs, UCLA
Michael Cohen, UCLA
Cass Turner, UCLA
Javier Patiño Loira, UCLA
“How to Make a Saint: The Narrative and the Normative in Medieval Hagiography”
Junior Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop
Location: Kaplan 250 (2nd Floor)
Arvind Thomas, Department of English
Schedule, October 20, 2023
Session 1: Individual Meetings
Individual Meeting with W.P. Mueller, 9:00am – 10:00am
Individual Meeting with Rita Copeland, 10:00am – 11:00am
Discussion with W.P. Mueller and H.A. Kelly, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Lunch, 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Session 2, led by Rita Copeland and moderated by Matthew Fisher, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Break, 3:00pm – 3:15pm
Discussion, 3:15pm – 5:15pm
Concluding Remarks, 5:15pm – 5:30pm
Invited Participants
Matthew Fisher, Department of English, UCLA
Rita Copeland, Department of English and Classics, University of Pennsylvania
W.P. Mueller, Department of History, Fordham University
Heather Blurton, Department of English, UCSB
Chris Chism, Department of English, UCLA
Debora Shugar, Department of English, UCLA
H.A. Kelly, Department of English, UCLA
Ho’esta Mo’e’hane , Department of English, UCLA
Bianca Ryan, Department of English, UCLA
Mac Harris, Department of English, UCLA
Dr. Andreas-Benjamin Seyfert (UCSB) via Zoom
Cristian Reyes (UCLA graduate student) via Zoom
Terry Hu (UCLA graduate student) via Zoom
Yashu Wang (UCLA undergraduate) via Zoom
“The Sublime Post: A History of the Ottoman Postal System”
Junior Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop
Location: Royce 243
Choon Hwee Koh, Department of History
Schedule, October 6, 2022
Introduction, 10:00am – 10:15am
Session 1, led by Dina Rizk Khoury, 9:15am – 10:45am
Discussion, 10:45am – 12:00pm
Lunch, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Session 2, led by Baki Tezcan, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Break, 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Discussion, 2:45pm – 4:30pm
Concluding Remarks, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Invited Participants
Dina Rizk Khoury, George Washington University (Zoom)
Baki Tezcan, UC Davis (Zoom)
Jim Gelvin, History department, UCLA
Tawny Paul, History department, UCLA
Milos Jovanovic, History department, UCLA
Luke Yarbrough, NELC, UCLA
Sixiang Wang, ALC. UCLA
Kevan Harris, Sociology, UCLA
Ted Porter, History, UCLA
“Ingenious Ecologies: Early Modern Rhetoric and Natural Science”
Junior Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop
Location: Royce 306
Javier Patiño Loira, Department of Spanish & Portuguese
Schedule, May 17, 2022
Introduction, 10:00am – 10:15am
Session 1, led by Alexander Marr, 10:15am – 11:45am
Break, 11:45am – 12:00pm
Lunch, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Session 2, led by Eileen Reeves, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Break, 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Discussion, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Invited Participants
Alexander Marr, Cambridge University (Zoom)
Eileen Reeves, Princeton University (Zoom)
Barbara Fuchs, UCLA (Zoom)
Fabien Montcher, Saint Louis University (Zoom)
Efraín Kristal, UCLA
Raphaëlle Burns, UCLA
Alexander Mazzaferro, UCLA
Cesar Favila, UCLA
Rhonda Sharrah, UCLA
Robin Kello, UCLA
Cheché Silveyra, UCLA
Susana Hernández Araico, Cal Poly Pomona
Laura Muñoz (USC)
“Reading Against Distraction in Early Medieval England”
Junior Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop
Location: Royce 306
Erica Weaver, Department of English
Schedule, December 3, 2021
Introduction, 10:00am – 10:15am
Session 1, led by Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe, 10:15am – 11:45am
Lunch, 11:45am – 1:00pm
Session 2 led by Bruce Holsinger, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Break, 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Discussion, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Invited Participants
Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe, UC Berkeley
Matthew Fischer, UCLA
Chris Chism, UCLA
Zrinka Stahuljak, UCLA
Raphaëlle Burns, UCLA
Sarah Bischoff, UCLA
Bruce Holsinger, University of Virginia
“Chosŏn Korea and the Imperial Tradition in East Asia, 1392–1592”
Location: ALC Lounge in Royce Hall, Room 243
Sixiang Wang, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
Schedule, November 1, 2021
Introduction, 12:00–12:15 pm
Session 1 led by Nhung Tuyet Tran, 12:15–1:45 pm
Break ,1:45–2:00 pm
Session 2 led by Christopher Atwood via Zoom, 2:00–3:30 pm
Break, 3:30–4:00 pm
Discussion, 4:00–5:00 pm
Invited Participants
Zrinka Stahuljak (CMRS-CEGS Director; Professor, Comparative Literature, UCLA)
Christopher Atwood (Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, UPENN)
Nhung Tuyet Tran (Associate Professor, History, University of Toronto)
Richard Von Glahn (Distinguished Professor, History, UCLA)
Namhee Lee (Associate Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA)
Torquil Duthie (Associate Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA)
Alden Young (Assistant Professor, African American Studies, UCLA)
Huijun Mai (Assistant Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA)
Hyun Suk Park (Assistant Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA)
Devin Fitzgerald (Curator of Rare Books and History of Printing, UCLA)
Sunkyu Lee (PhD 2021, History, UCLA)
Yiming Ha (PhD Candidate, History, UCLA)
Richard Kim (PhD Student, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA)