Book Series
Cursor Mundi
A companion to the journal Viator, Cursor Mundi is a book series consisting of inter- and multidisciplinary studies of the medieval and early modern world, viewed broadly as the period from late antiquity into early modernity. Cursor Mundi means “Runner of the World” and welcomes investigations that similarly range across early global circuits. Like Viator, Cursor Mundi brings together outstanding work by scholars of the medieval, Renaissance, and early modern periods from a wide range of disciplines, emphasizing studies that focus on such processes as cultural exchange or the course of an idea through the centuries.
Repertorium Columbianum
The Repertorium Columbianum collects contemporary sources relating to Columbus’ four voyages and documents the interpenetration of the hitherto separate worlds. This multi-volume series provides easy access to the basic documents which are indispensable tools for all scholarly inquiry into this world-historical moment. The series provides accurate editions of the essential texts in their original languages while also providing parallel translations into modern English. Each text is preceded by an historical and philological introduction and appears with textual variants at the foot of the page, supplemented by a detailed commentary and a glossary of problematic terms. The scope of the Repertorium Columbianum is limited to sources from the period between Columbus’ first voyage and the Spanish conquest of Mexico in 1519–1521, although certain volumes, by their nature, extend the chronological range of the series beyond these dates.