1. CMRS-CEGS announces sponsorship of 5 panels at upcoming annual meeting of RSA Boston 2025

    CMRS-CEGS announces sponsorship of 5 panels at upcoming annual meeting of RSA Boston 2025

    We are proud to share that UCLA CMRS Center for Early Global Studies (CMRS-CEGS) is sponsoring five panels at the upcoming annual meeting of the Renaissance Society...

  2. Comitatus 56: Call for Book Reviews

    Comitatus 56: Call for Book Reviews

    The books in the list below are available for review in Comitatus 56 (2025), the graduate-student journal published by the UCLA CMRS Center for Early Global Studies....

  3. Master Craftswomen Lucila Romero Mendoza and Dorila Romero Hernández, chosen to represent Cajamarca (Peru) at the Fowler Museum’s celebration of Andean culture

    Master Craftswomen Lucila Romero Mendoza and Dorila Romero Hernández, chosen to represent Cajamarca (Peru) at the Fowler Museum’s celebration of Andean culture

    As part of the “Race in the Global Past through Native Lenses” project, funded by the Mellon Foundation, and in collaboration with the Fowler Museum, we invite...

  4. CMRS-CEGS Director Zrinka Stahuljak’s book, Fixers, distinguished as a book of the year in the History Today magazine.

    CMRS-CEGS Director Zrinka Stahuljak’s book, Fixers, distinguished as a book of the year in the History Today magazine.

    We are pleased to announce that CMRS-CEGS Director Zrinka Stahuljak's book Fixers: Agency, Translation, and the Early Global History of Literature (University of Chicago Press) has been recognized...

  5. Call For Papers: On Land and Across the Sea: Boccaccio’s Other Wor(l)ds. Junctions and Interweavings

    Call For Papers: On Land and Across the Sea: Boccaccio’s Other Wor(l)ds. Junctions and Interweavings

    The UCLA CMRS Center for Early Global Studies, in partnership with the Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies, the Franklin D. Murphy Chair in Italian Renaissance Studies, the...

  6. Comparative Lit class will be first in Humanities Division to use UCLA-developed AI system

    Comparative Lit class will be first in Humanities Division to use UCLA-developed AI system

    We are delighted to share the path-breaking teaching of early world literature using AI in CMRS-CEGS Director Zrinka Stahuljak's Comparative Literature 2BW classroom this upcoming Winter quarter....

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