Submission Guidelines
Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Viator is published under the auspices of the CMRS Center for Early Global Studies and invites the submission of articles by scholars in any field of medieval and Renaissance studies. We particularly welcome articles that integrate or synthesize disciplines.
Manuscripts should be submitted via our Manuscript Manager portal. Authors will need to create an account before proceeding to the submission page. The target length for an article is 8,000–13,000 words, including footnotes, although longer pieces are occasionally published. We ask that the body text be double-spaced in 12-point font with single-spaced footnotes in 10-point font. Submissions should be in English, include an abstract and keywords, and present original, previously unpublished scholarship that is not being considered elsewhere for publication. Authors should refer to chapter 14 of the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style for guidance on styling footnote citations. The Viator style guide can be consulted here (prospective authors should ignore the section on manuscript preparation, which applies to accepted papers only).
Articles deemed appropriate for Viator by the editorial board will be sent to two expert readers and, in some cases, may be sent to a third reader. We follow a policy of anonymous peer review, so we ask that submissions exclude the name of the author, acknowledgements, or any personal references that my give away the identity of the author. This information can be reincorporated into a paper once it has been accepted for publication. On the basis of the reader evaluations, the editor and managing editor will make a decision: Accept/Revisions Required/Revise and Resubmit/Reject. Authors who have published with us in the past must wait three years after the publication date of their first article before submitting a second article for consideration.
The current average decision time for article submissions is four months.
Viator now welcomes proposals for edited clusters of shorter articles (3,500–6,000 words each). To propose an edited cluster, complete the proposal form found here and email it to Matthew Fisher ( and Allison McCann ( Due to the high level of interest in edited clusters, the next several volumes are already scheduled, so the timeline for new clusters is currently quite extended. We strongly encourage coeditorships.
Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Comitatus, published annually under the auspices of the UCLA CMRS Center for Early Global Studies, invites the submission of research articles (8,000–13,000 words) and shorter papers (3,500–7,000 words) by graduate students and recent PhDs in any field of late antique, medieval, Renaissance, early modern, or early global studies. We particularly welcome articles that integrate or synthesize disciplines, as well as short but critical reflections on the future of pre- and early modern studies, interviews, conversations, translations, field notes, archive reports, and catalogues.
Short articles are intended to make the process of academic publishing more inclusive and accessible to a wider range of graduate students at different stages of their careers. They must adhere to the Comitatus submission guidelines, but they may engage more summarily with secondary literature, in the style of public-facing writing for a non-specialist audience.
Translations, interviews, field notes, archive reports, and catalogues should prioritize readability in their layout and critical apparatus. They should also include a short introduction outlining the text’s potential significance and/or usefulness to scholars. These articles should be aimed at graduate students with a general knowledge and engage wider narratives in the field.
Submissions of all lengths and formats will be reviewed by the Comitatus Editorial Board. Those submissions judged to be exceptional by the Board will be invited for inclusion in the yearly volume.
Double-spaced manuscripts should not exceed forty pages in length. Please send submissions in the form of email attachments in MS Word file format (.doc or .docx). Include the author’s name, affiliation, academic history, and an email address at the top of the document. Papers do not need to conform to the Comitatus style guide at the time of submission, but footnotes should be formatted according to chapters 13 and 14 of the 18th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Any images should be embedded within the document and accompanied by numbered captions.
Authors whose papers have been accepted should refer to the Comitatus style guide when preparing their final manuscripts.
Send Comitatus submissions to:
Dr. Allison McCann, Publications Manager