Viator offers a space for renewed attention to transcultural studies from late antiquity into early modernity, while continuing its long-standing tradition of publishing articles of distinction in the established fields of medieval and Renaissance studies. In keeping with its title, “traveler,” the journal gives special consideration to articles that cross frontiers, focus on meetings between cultures, pursue an idea through the centuries, or employ methods of different disciplines simultaneously while remaining accessible to the non-specialist reader. We particularly welcome articles that look beyond Western Eurasia and North Africa and consider the history, literature, art, and thought of the eras of early global interconnection from broader perspectives.
We are pleased to announce that, beginning with vol. 51, Viator now publishes color images in every issue. Please refer to these guidelines when preparing your manuscript for submission.
Print copies can be ordered by clicking here. In addition to a print version, each issue appears simultaneously at where individual articles can be purchased and downloaded. Subscriptions to Viator (ISSN 0083-5897) are available as print only, print and online, and online only and can be ordered by writing to Brepols Publishers.
- Editor: Matthew Fisher (English, UCLA)
- Managing Editor: Allison McCann (CMRS-CEGS, UCLA)
- Editorial Board: Javier Patiño Loira (Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA); Peter Stacey (History, UCLA); Erica Weaver (English, UCLA); Bronwen Wilson (Art History, UCLA); Luke Yarbrough (Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA)
- Extended Editorial Board: Thomas Barton (University of San Diego); Michal Biran (Hebrew University of Jerusalem); Jessalynn Bird (Saint Mary’s College); Cécile Fromont (Yale University); Matthew Gabriele (Virginia Tech); Afrodesia McCannon (New York University); Roberta Morosini (UCLA); Thomas O’Donnell (Fordham University); Wen-chin Ouyang (SOAS University of London); Amanda Power (University of Oxford); Helmut Reimitz (Princeton University); Andrea Robiglio (KU Leuven); Christian Sahner (University of Oxford); Tatiana Seijas (Rutgers University); Leah Shopkow (Indiana University Bloomington); Misha Teramura (University of Toronto); Torfi Tulinius (University of Iceland)
Thanks to a generous anonymous donation, the Viator Editorial Board has inaugurated the Andy Kelly Prize for Best Article in Viator. Learn more about the prize and the 2024 awardee here.
Viator 55.1
- Early Global Insularities: Archipelagos and Islands in Medieval and Early Modern Texts
SARA V. TORRES AND NAHIR I. OTAÑO GRACIA - Theorizing Insular Exceptionalism in the Early Medieval North Atlantic
TARREN ANDREWS - When the Mountains Were Islands: Landing Noah’s Ark on the Shores of Afghan History
TANVIR AHMED - Mary’s Miraculous Islands: Fear of Flooding and the Island as a Haven of Divine Benevolence in Sixteenth-Century Poetry Contests in Normandy
JOHN NASSICHUK - No Island Is an Island: A Response
SEBASTIAN SOBECKI - Between the Arabic Language and the Frontiers of Knowledge: Al-Ḥarīrī’s Unknown Island in the “Maqāma of Oman”
RAMA ALHABIAN - Gog, Magog, and Alexander’s Wall: Racializing Discourses in the Ethiopic Alexander Romance
YONATAN BINYAM - Transinsular Metapoetics: Island Forms in Raleigh and Bacon
CHRISTOPHER M. LASASSO - Insular Imaginaries: A Response
SARAH DAVIS-SECORD - Island Cetology
ANDREA WALKDEN - Conjuring Ethiopia: Blackness as Dignity in Juan Latino’s Poetry
JONATHAN F. CORREA REYES - The Exiled Pirate: Double Agents, Revenge, and Finding Home in Cervantine Fiction
ALEXANDER J. KORTE - “To try the difference”: Encountering a Different Self in Henry Neville’s Isle of Pines
ANDREW FLECK - Mucking About with Islands: A Response
De Solistitionis insula magna: There and Back Again to a Paradise Island; Approach to the Supernatural, Space, and Belief in Medieval Galicia (11th–12th Centuries)
XOSÉ M. SÁNCHEZ SÁNCHEZ - “Aliqua nostra navigia transeuntia per insulas”: Venetian Networks of Islands
NICOLA CAROTENUTO - “A thousand miles of troubled sea we sailed”: The Island as a Moral Guide in Daniello Bartoli’s
Geography (1664)
ELISA FREI AND LAURA MADELLA - Recovering (Hi)stories: A Response
- Saint Vincent Is Here: Universally Local Cults in Early Medieval Iberia
KATI IHNAT AND MELANIE SHAFFER - Beyond the Narrative: A Study of Medieval German Jewish Martyrs’ Lists
TZAFRIR BARZILAY - Implementing the Guidonian Revolution: John of Affligem and the Cause of Reform 1030–1100
CONSTANT J. MEWS - Drawing Analogies in Late Medieval Europe: Agency, Diversity, Individuality, and Playfulness
AYELET EVEN-EZRA - Utilitas and Curiositas: The Origins, Intentions, and Receptions of Middle English Artisanal Recipes
MARK CLARKE - The Heraldic Badge as a Rhetorical Tool in Late Medieval England: The Case of the Falcon and the Fetterlock
Bishop John Alcock’s Profession-Day Sermon for Nuns