Cursor Mundi

A companion to the journal Viator, Cursor Mundi is a book series consisting of inter- and multidisciplinary studies of the medieval and early modern world, viewed broadly as the period from late antiquity into early modernity. Cursor Mundi means “Runner of the World” and welcomes investigations that similarly range across early global circuits. Like Viator, Cursor Mundi brings together outstanding work by scholars of the medieval, Renaissance, and early modern periods from a wide range of disciplines, emphasizing studies that focus on such processes as cultural exchange or the course of an idea through the centuries. Cursor Mundi volumes are generally single-authored books of at least 90,000 words or multiauthored collections such as groups of articles on a well-defined topic. The series also includes shorter studies of about 40,000 words by distinguished scholars on topics of broad interest.

  • General Director: Chris Chism (English, UCLA)
  • Editorial Board: Matthew Fisher (English, UCLA); Javier Patiño Loira (Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA); Peter Stacey (History, UCLA); Erica Weaver (English, UCLA); Bronwen Wilson (Art History, UCLA); Luke Yarbrough (Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA)
  • Extended Editorial Board: Javier Cha (University of Hong Kong); Frederic Clark (University of Southern California); Leo Garofalo (Connecticut College); Karen Graubart (University of Notre Dame); Cecily Hilsdale (McGill University); Nicholas Jones (Yale University); Hannah Marcus (Harvard University); Peggy McCracken (University of Michigan); Kristina Richardson (University of Virginia); Jerome Singerman (University of Pennsylvania Press)
  • Managing Editor: Allison McCann (CMRS-CEGS, UCLA)
Wojtek Jezierski and Lars Kjaer, eds., Guests, Strangers, Aliens, Enemies: Ambiguities of Hospitality in the Middle Ages, c. 1000–1350 (2025). ISBN 978-2-503-60192-4
Jessica Barr and Barbara Zimbalist, eds., Writing Holiness: Genre and Reception across Medieval Hagiography (2023). ISBN 978-2-503-60198-4
Thomas Barton, Marie Kelleher, and Antonio Zaldívar, eds., Constructing Iberian Identities, 1000–1700 (2022). ISBN 978-2-503-59630-3
Courtney M. Booker, Hans Hummer, and Dana M. Polanichka, eds., Visions of Medieval History in North American and Europe: Studies on Cultural Identity and Power (2022). ISBN 978-2-503-59628-0
Christoph Mauntel and Klaus Oschema, eds., Order into Action: How Large-Scale Concepts of World-Order Determine Practices in the Premodern World (2022). ISBN: 978-2-503-59046-2

Robert Porwoll and David Orsbon, eds., Victorine Restoration; Essays on Hugh of St Victor, Richard of St Victor, and Thomas Gallus (2021). ISBN: 978-2-503-58513-0
Rinaldo Canalis and Massimo Ciavolella, eds., Disease and Disability in Medieval and Early Modern Art and Literature (2021). ISBN: 978-2-503-58870-4
Geoffrey Symcox, Jerusalem in the Alps: The Sacro Monte of Varallo and the Sanctuaries of North-Western Italy (2019). ISBN: 978-2-503-58057-9
Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Premodern World: European and Middle Eastern Cultures, from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance, eds. C. Gislon Dopfel, A. Foscati, C. Burnett (2019). ISBN: 978-2-503-58055-5
Mythical Ancestry in World Cultures, 1400-1800, ed. S. Trevisan (2018). ISBN: 978-2-503-58009-8
Text, Transmission, and Transformation in the European Middle Ages, 1000–1500 (2018), eds. C. Griffin, E. Purcell. ISBN 978-2-503-56740-2
Andrea Vesalius and the Fabrica in the Age of Printing, eds. Rinaldo Fernando Canalis and Massimo Ciavolella (2018). ISBN: 978-2-503-57623-7
Temporality and Mediality in Late Medieval and Early Modern Culture, eds. Christian Kiening and Martina Stercken (2018). ISBN 978-2-503-55130-2
Visions of North in Premodern Europe, eds. Dolly Jørgensen and Virginia Langum (2018). ISBN 978-2-503-57475-2
James L. Smith, Water in Medieval Intellectual Culture. Case Studies from Twelfth-Century Monasticism (2017). ISBN 978-2-503-57233-8
Luigi Pulci in Renaissance Florence and Beyond. New Perspectives on his Poetry and Influence, eds. James Coleman and Andrea Moudarres (2017). ISBN 978-2-503-57439-4
Writing History in Medieval Poland: Bishop Vincentius of Cracow and the 'Chronica Polonorum' ed. D. von Güttner-Sporzyński (2017). ISBN: 978-2-503-56951-2
Graphic Signs of Identity, Faith, and Power in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, ed. Ildar Garipzanov, Caroline Goodson, and Henry Maguire (2017). ISBN: 978-2-503-56724-2
Ksenia Bonch Reeves, Visions of Unity after the Visigoths: Early Iberian Latin Chronicles and the Mediterranean World (2016). ISBN 978-2-503-56509-5
The Mirror in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, ed. N. M. Frelick (2016). ISBN 978-2-503-56454-8
Ersie Cornilia Burke, The Greeks of Venice, 1498–1600: Immigration, Settlement, and Integration (2016). ISBN 978-2-503-55926-1
Elan Shoval, King John’s Delegation to the Almohad Court (1212): Medieval Interreligious Interactions and Modern Historiography (2016). ISBN: 978-2-503-55577-5
Fabrizio Ricciardelli, The Myth of Republicanism in Renaissance Italy (2015). ISBN 978-2-503-55417-4
Natalia I. Petrovskaia, Medieval Welsh Perceptions of the Orient (2015). ISBN 978-2-503-55155-5
CM 20
Viking Archaeology in Iceland: Mosfell Archaeological Project, ed. Davide Zori and Jesse Byock (2014). ISBN 978-2-503-54400-7
CM 19
Charles Russell Stone, From Tyrant to Philosopher-King: A Literary History of Alexander the Great in Medieval and Early Modern England (2013). ISBN 978-2-503-54539-4
CM 18
Tanya S. Lenz, Dreams, Medicine, and Literary Practice: Exploring the Western Literary Tradition Through Chaucer (2014). ISBN 978-2-503-53481-7
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Writing Down the Myths, ed. Joseph Falaky Nagy (2013). ISBN 978-2-503-54218-8
CM 16
Wendy J. Turner, Care and Custody of the Mentally Ill, Incompetent, and Disabled in Medieval England (2013). ISBN 978-2-503-54039-9
CM 15
Barbara Furlotti, A Renaissance Baron and His Possessions: Paolo Giordano I Orsini, Duke of Bracciano (1541–1585) (2012). ISBN 978-2-503-53474-9
CM 14
Alan John Fletcher, The Presence of Medieval English Literature: Studies at the Interface of History, Author, and Text in a Selection of Middle English Literary Landmarks (2012). ISBN 978-2-503-53680-4
CM 13
‘This Earthly Stage’: World and Stage in Late Medieval and Early Modern England, ed. Brett D. Hirsch and Christopher Wortham (2010). ISBN 978-2-503-53226-4
CM 12
Luigi Andrea Berto, The Political and Social Vocabulary of John the Deacon’s ‘Istoria Veneticorum’ (2013). ISBN 978-2-503-53159-5
CM 11
Approaching the Holy Mountain: Art and Liturgy at St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai, ed. Sharon E. J. Gerstel and Robert S. Nelson (2010). ISBN 978-2-503-53127-4
The Faces of the Other: Religious Rivalry and Ethnic Encounters in the Later Roman World, ed. Maijastina Kahlos (2011). ISBN 978-2-503-53999-7
Saints and Their Lives on the Periphery: Veneration of Saints in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe (c. 1000–1200), ed. Haki Th. Antonsson and Ildar H. Garipzanov (2010). ISBN 978-2-503-53033-8
CM 8
Claudio Moreschini, Hermes Christianus: The Intermingling of Hermetic Piety and Christian Thought. (2011). ISBN 978-2-503-52960-8
Carmela Vircillo Franklin, Material Restoration: A Fragment from Eleventh-Century Echternach in a Nineteenth-Century Parisian Codex (2009). ISBN 978-2-503-52909-7
William Walker, ‘Paradise Lost’ and Republican Tradition from Aristotle to Machiavelli (2009). ISBN 978-2-503-52877-9
CM 5
Franks, Northmen, and Slavs: Identities and State Formation in Early Medieval Europe, ed. by Ildar H. Garipzanov, Patrick Geary, Przemyslaw Urbanczyk (2008). ISBN 978-2-503-52615-7
CM 4
Vehicles of Transmission, Translation, and Transformation in Medieval Textual Culture, ed. Robert Wisnovsky, Faith Wallis, Jamie C. Fumo, and Carlos Fraenkel (2011). ISBN 978-2-503-53452-7
Rethinking Virtue, Reforming Society: New Directions in Renaissance Ethics, c. 1350 – c. 1650, ed. David A. Lines and Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (2013). ISBN 978-2-503-52524-2
CM 2
Simha Goldin, The Ways of Jewish Martyrdom (2008). ISBN 978-2-503-52523-5
CM 1
Chris Jones, Eclipse of Empire? Perceptions of the Western Empire and Its Rulers in Late-Medieval France (2007). ISBN 978-2-503-52478-8

Cursor Mundi is published by Brepols Publishers under the auspices of the CMRS Center for Early Global Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.

Please direct inquiries to CMRS Publications Manager, Dr. Allison McCann