Call for Book Reviews Comitatus 52

Published: February 12, 2021

The books listed on this PDF are available for review in Comitatus 52 (2021), the graduate student journal published by the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

If you would like to write a review for Comitatus 52, email Allison McCann with your top choice and an alternate. Please also include your university affiliation and a brief explanation of your research interests and the qualifications that make you an ideal reviewer for your requested title.

All book review requests must be received by March 12, 2021 (extended from March 1), at which time the editor will select reviews for inclusion in this year’s volume. We typically receive more requests than we can publish. Please note that, due to the ongoing response to COVID-19, we cannot guarantee a hard copy of every title.

All book reviews will be due June 1, 2021, and should be between 800 and 1500 words in length. Further information on formatting will be shared with reviewers once final selections are made.

Comitatus_Review Titles_2021 (PDF)