Intersectionality in the Early Global World
A conference organized by the officers of UCLA MEMSA: Chase Caldwell Smith (History), Richard Ibarra (History), and Stefanie Matabang (Comparative Literature)
20-21 May 2022 – via Zoom
Keynote Speakers: Roland Betancourt (UC Irvine) and Nicholas R. Jones (UC Davis)
Research on the premodern intersection of race, gender, and sexuality has steadily increased as a result of the efforts of a diverse group of scholars working across traditional periodization and geographic limits. Nevertheless, a great deal of work remains to be done to understand the many varieties of ways such aspects of identities intersected and were mobilized or challenged in the marking of difference.
To that end, the Medieval and Early Modern Student Association (MEMSA), in cooperation with the CMRS Center for Early Global Studies (CMRS-CEGS) at UCLA, seek twenty-minute paper proposals for a two-day conference that will highlight the new and exciting work being undertaken with regard to these questions. Proposals from graduate students in all disciplinary fields and levels of experience are welcome. We especially welcome and encourage comparative and interdisciplinary proposals from disciplines such as Asian Studies, Africana Studies, Critical Race Studies, Indigenous Studies, Near Eastern Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literature, History, the History of Art and Architecture, Archaeology, Philosophy, Classics, and others.
Please submit an abstract of the proposed presentation (250-300 words) to the officers of MEMSA (memsa.ucla@gmail.com) by March 1, 2022.
Images – Top Left: Andrés Sánchez Galque, Los tres mulatos de Esmeraldas, 1599, Museo del Prado. Top Right: Mural in the Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves near Turpan, Xinjiang, China, 9th c. AD. Bottom Left: Farewells of Abu Zayd and al-Harith before the Return to Mecca, 1237 (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS. arab. 5847, fo. 22). Bottom Right: Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1490-1500, Museo del Prado.