CMRS-CEGS Emeritus Faculty and Research Professors
Henning Andersen (Research Professor, Slavic Languages and Literatures): Cultural contacts in the Baltic and Slavic lands; historical linguistics.
Luigi Ballerini (Professor Emeritus, Italian): Medieval Italian poetry; Renaissance gastronomy.
Marianna D. Birnbaum (Research Professor, Germanic Languages): Hungarian literature; Renaissance culture of Central Europe; Jews in Renaissance Europe.
William M. Bodiford (Professor Emeritus, Asian Languages and Cultures): Religion in the cultures of Japan and East Asia, and Buddhist Studies
A. R. Braunmuller (Distinguished Professor, English): Tudor and Stuart English drama; European drama and art; history of the book.
Robert E. Buswell (Distinguished Professor, Buddhist Studies): Buddhism in medieval East Asia; Buddhist mysticism; monastic culture.
Jesse L. Byock (Research Professor, Scandinavian): Viking archaeology; Old Icelandic and Old Norse history, society, and sagas; feud and violence in the Viking world.
John Carriero (Professor Emeritus, Philosophy): Medieval Aristotelian philosophy; seventeenth-century philosophy.
Jean-Claude Carron (Professor Emeritus, French & Francophone Studies): Humanism; French Renaissance; poetry, literature, and philosophy; history of food.
King-Kok Cheung (Professor Emerita, English): Milton; Shakespeare; Marlowe.
Brian P. Copenhaver (Professor Emeritus, History and Philosophy): Late medieval and early modern philosophy and science; magic, Cabala, and hermetica.
Johanna Drucker (Distinguished Research Professor Emerita, Information Studies): Information Studies, classification systems, knowledge organization. History of writing and the book; alphabet historiography; information visualization and visual forms of knowledge production; graphic design.
John B. Duncan (Professor Emeritus, Asian Languages & Cultures): Medieval Korean institutional and intellectual history through the eighteenth century.
Diane Favro (Professor Emerita, Architecture, and Urban Design): Architecture and topography of late Roman and early medieval Rome; eleventh-century Armenian architecture; architecture and urbanism in fifteenth-century Italy; virtual reality modeling projects.
Lowell Gallagher (Professor Emeritus, English): Spenser; English Catholic studies; early modern prose fiction; hermeneutic theory; queer theory.
Patrick Geary (Professor Emeritus, History): Early medieval social and cultural history; barbarian societies; history of memory; history of ethnicity.
Carlo Ginzburg (Professor Emeritus, History): Popular culture; intellectual history; iconography.
Michael Hackett (Professor Emeritus, Theater): Early Baroque theater; Shakespeare; the English masque.
Henry Ansgar Kelly (Distinguished Research Professor, English): England, Italy, France, Spain: literature, canon law, common law, liturgy, theology, history of ideas (biblical, classical, medieval, early modern).
Katherine C. King (Professor Emerita, Comparative Literature): Epic; tragedy; Classical tradition; gender studies.
Gordon Kipling (Professor Emeritus, English): Medieval and Tudor drama; theatrical spectacle; Shakespeare; Chaucer; Netherlandic-British cultural relations.
Cecilia Klein (Professor Emerita, Art History): Aztec art before, during, and after the Spanish
Conquest of 1521.
Emily Klenin (Professor Emerita, Slavic Languages and Literatures): Slavic linguistics, languages, and literature.
Richard A. Lanham (Professor Emeritus, English): Medieval, Renaissance, and modern digital rhetoric.
Peter H. Lee (Professor Emeritus, Asian Languages and Cultures): Classical and medieval Korean literature; comparative East Asian literature.
Lauro Martines (Professor Emeritus, History): History and literature of Renaissance Italy and sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England.
James R. Massengale (Professor Emeritus, Scandinavian): Scandinavian medieval ballads; Scandinavian folk tales.
Ronald Mellor (Distinguished Research Professor, History): Roman history; religion and law.
Donka Minkova (Distinguished Research Professor, English): History of English; English historical phonology; metrics; syntax.
Michael G. Morony (Professor Emeritus, History): Early Islamic history.
Brian Morris (Professor Emeritus, Spanish and Portuguese): Golden-Age Spanish poetry; the Picaresque novel.
Mitchell Morris (Professor Emeritus, Musicology): Fourteenth- to sixteenth-century music; the relationship between music and liturgical development in the late medieval mass.
Joseph Falaky Nagy (Professor Emeritus, English): Medieval Celtic literature; Celtic folklore; comparative folklore and mythology.
Ynez Violé O’Neill (Professor Emerita, Neurobiology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA): History of medicine, especially anatomy, surgery, and neurology; medical images.
Ismail K. Poonawala (Professor Emeritus, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures): Early intellectual and cultural history of Islam; Shi’ism, Isma’ilis/Fatimids; classical Arabic literature; contemporary Islamic thought.
Jonathan F. S. Post (Distinguished Research Professor, English): Seventeenth-century poetry; Milton; Shakespeare.
David S. Rodes (Director Emeritus, UCLA Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts): Renaissance and Restoration theater and graphic arts; Shakespeare; Dryden; Wycherly; Molière.
Enrique Rodríguez-Cepeda (Professor Emeritus, Spanish and Portuguese): Cervantes/Spanish Golden Age; sixteenth- and seventeenth-century theater; popular culture and Spanish ballads.
Karen E. Rowe (Professor Emerita, English): Colonial American literature to 1800; Renaissance and seventeenth-century literature; women’s literature.
Teofilo F. Ruiz (Professor Emeritus, History, Spanish): Late medieval social and cultural history; the kingdom of Castile; Iberian peninsula, late medieval and early modern.
Yona Sabar (Professor Emeritus, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures): Hebrew and Aramaic; Syriac; Jewish languages; folk and religious literature of Kurdistani Jews.
Gregory Schopen (Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Asian Languages & Cultures): Buddhist studies and Indology; social and religious history of South Asia.
James A. Schultz (Professor Emeritus, Germanic Languages): Middle High German literature; history of sexuality; history of childhood; gender.
Christopher M. Stevens (Professor Emeritus, Germanic Languages): Language variation: language change; Indo-European studies.
Geoffrey Symcox (Professor Emeritus, History): Urban history, architecture, and planning (Renaissance and Baroque); states and institutions in the 16th through 18th centuries, France and Italy; Columbus; study of the Sacri Monti (sanctuaries) of Northwestern Italy.
Kevin Terraciano (Professor Emeritus, History): Mexico and the Indigenous cultures and languages of central and southern Mexico (including Nahuatl, Mixtec, and Zapotec).
Edward F. Tuttle (Professor Emeritus, Italian): Italian philology; comparative Romance historical linguistics; socio-pragmatic and structural motives of language change; medieval Italian literature.
Brent Vine: (Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, Indo-European Linguistics): Classical and Indo-European linguistics; Vulgar Latin; History of English.
Scott L. Waugh (Professor Emeritus and Former Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost): Social and political history of medieval England.
Stephen C. Yeazell (Distinguished Professor of Law, Emeritus): Medieval and Early Modern adjudicative procedure in Britain.