CMRS-CEGS Associates are scholars holding a Ph.D. or the equivalent who specialize in any aspect of studies of the periods from the 3rd to the 17th century CE across the globe To be granted associate status, a scholar must be nominated by a CMRS faculty member and approved by the Center’s Faculty Advisory Committee. Most CMRS-CEGS Associates hold academic positions at other local educational institutions or research facilities, or are established independent scholars.
Eric C. Apfelstadt | Renaissance Italian art, architecture, and artistic patronage. |
Damian Bacich | San Jose State University Ibero-American colonial literatures and cultures; transatlantic humanism; Neoplatonism. |
Thomas Barton | History, University of San Diego Medieval social, political, and institutional history; ethno-religious relations; Iberia; the Crown of Aragon, and the wider Mediterranean. |
Susannah F. Baxendale | Social and political history in Renaissance Italy; family and women's issues; early business history. |
Marina Belozerskaya | Burgundian court; alchemy, luxury and other arts of the Renaissance; exotic animals, travel and piracy around the Mediterranean. |
Yonatan Binyam | Premodern race studies; apocalypticism and race in late antiquity; medieval Ethiopian history; Josephus; Sefer Yosippon; Zena Ayhud. |
Lisa M. Bitel | History, University of Southern California Late antique/early medieval European history; Ireland and Britain; pre-modern religions. |
Heather Blurton | English and Comparative Literature, UC Santa Barbara High medieval English, French, and Latin literature; history of medieval antisemitism; medievalism. |
Matthew Brosamer | English, Mount St. Mary's College Chaucer; Old English literature; church history; monastic theology; the seven deadly sins. |
Cynthia Brown | French, UC Santa Barbara Late medieval and early Renaissance French literature and culture; text editing; history of the book. |
Warren C. Brown | History, California Institute of Technology Early and Central Middle Ages; conflict resolution; history of power; history of writing. |
Gale C. Brunelle | History, California State University, Fullerton Early modern commerce, merchants, women and wealth; the Atlantic world. |
Sara Frances Burdorff | Classical myth, epic, and drama; premodern obstetrics and gynecology; monsters and monstrosity; Old English literature; medieval and early modern mythography and folklore; Shakespeare. |
Silvia Orvietani Busch | Associate Director, UCLA Donor Relations Medieval Mediterranean history, archaeology, and ports; Mediterranean navigation; maritime history. |
Michael Calabrese | English, California State University, Los Angeles Medieval English literature (Chaucer, Langland); medieval amatory tradition (Ovid, Boccaccio); medieval masculinity. |
José Cartagena-Calderón | Romance Languages and Literature, Pomona College Medieval and early modern Spanish literature. |
Brian Catlos | Religious Studies, University of Colorado-Boulder, and Humanities, UC Santa Cruz Mediterranean studies; relations between ethno-religious minorities in pre-modern Europe and the Islamic world; inter-confessional relations in the Middle Ages. |
Rafael Chabrán | Modern Languages, Whittier College Life and works of Francisco Hernández; Cervantes and medicine; history of science and medicine in sixteenth-and seventeenth-century Spain and Mexico. |
Paul E. Chevedden | Research Affiliate-Research Fellow, History, University of Texas at Austin Medieval Mediterranean history; Crusades; medieval artillery; early photography of the Middle East. |
Stanley Chodorow | History, UC San Diego Legal history; canon law; church and state. |
David Horacio Colmenares | Comparative Literature, UC Irvine Colonial Mexico; Mesoamerican Studies; Visual Culture; Antiquarianism; Early Modern Iberia. |
Paula R. Curtis | Postdoctoral Fellow, History, UCLA Medieval Japan; social history; economic history; artisans; documentary forgery. |
Luisa Del Giudice | Ethnology; Italian and Italian diaspora culture and oral history. |
Rowan Dorin | History, Stanford University Western Europe and the Mediterranean during the high and late Middle Ages; interaction of law and society especially where legal norms conflict with social practices; history of economic life and economic thought; usury and moneylending; circulation of goods, people, and ideas. |
Elsa Duval | Lecturer, ELTS, UCLA Medieval history and its reception in the contemporary world; cultural diplomacy; history of heritage conservation |
Claire Joan Farago | Art and Art History, University of Colorado Boulder Renaissance art theory; cultural exchange between Europe and the rest of the world; processes of globalization; critical historiography of the discipline; materiality of the sacred; history of style; museums and collecting practices; reception of art and ideas about art. |
Gail Feigenbaum | Retired, The Getty Research Institute Baroque art; religious art. |
Valeria Finucci | Professor of Italian and Theater Studies, Duke University Renaissance Italian; History of medicine; Theater; Epic; Costume Books; Gender Studies and Women Writers. |
Devin Fitzgerald | Curator of Rare Books and History of Printing, UCLA Library, Young Research Library, Special Collections Western and East Asian book history; bibliography. |
Andrew Fleck | English, University of Texas at El Paso The Dutch in English national identity. |
Xochitl Flores-Marcial | History, CSU Northridge Interdisciplinary Historian; Indigenous Intellectual and Cultural History focusing on the Zapotec society of Oaxaca, Mexico. |
Diane Ghirardo | School of Architecture, University of Southern California Women’s spaces in Renaissance Italy; Italian Renaissance architecture; contemporary Italian architecture; Lucrezia Borgia; Renaissance Ferrara. |
Claire Gilbert | History, Saint Louis University Late Medieval/Early Modern Spain and the western Mediterranean; language contact and multilingualism between Arabic and Romance languages; social history of language and the history of linguistics; history of translation. |
James Given | History, UC Irvine Medieval social and political history and conflict; heresy and inquisition in Languedoc. |
Joseph Gonzalez | Liberal Studies, California State University, Fullerton Late medieval and Renaissance Scandinavia and Europe; cultural and intellectual history; ritual studies. |
Piotr S. Górecki | History, UC Riverside Early and central Middle Ages; Poland and east-central Europe; legal history in a social context; relationship between communities and judicial institutions. |
George L. Gorse | Art History, Pomona College Art history of the Middle Ages and Renaissance; urban space and artistic patronage in Renaissance Italy. |
Lawrence D. Green | English, University of Southern California The Renaissance; rhetoric; linguistics. |
Hilary A. Haakenson | Art History and Interdisciplinary Education, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Late Medieval and Renaissance art history; Mediterranean studies; material culture; cartography; art of empire; cosmography. |
Justin Haynes | Classics, UC Davis Virgil & the epic tradition; ancient & medieval literary criticism; Latin textual criticism; paleography. |
Susana Hernández Araico | Emerita, English and Foreign Languages, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Early modern Hispanic literature; music in theatre; commercial, street, and court theater in Spain: tragicomedies, autos sacramentals, chivalry masques; secular and religious pieces in 17th-century Spanish viceroyalties of New Spain and Peru. |
Maryanne Cline Horowitz | History, Occidental College Age of Renaissance and Encounter; humanists and mapmakers; personifications; visual cues to collections; the mind as a garden; Stoicism; Skepticism; cultural history of ideas. |
Franka Horvat | Art History, UCLA Interconnection of social, artistic and economic aspects in medieval Byzantine landscapes, with a particular emphasis on the relationship of islands and mainland, as well as rural areas and urban centers, on the borderline between the East and the West. |
Nicole T. Hughes | Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Stanford University New Spain (Mexico) and Brazil in the sixteenth century. |
Patrick Hunt | Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Stanford University Late Antiquity through Renaissance. |
C. Stephen Jaeger | Emeritus, German, Comparative Literature, and Program in Medieval Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign German and Latin literature of the Middle Ages. |
Erith Jaffe-Berg | Theatre, Film and Digital Production, UC Riverside Early Modern theatre; commedia dell'arte; multilingual theatre; minority cultural groups in early modernity; Mediterranean Studies; Early Modern Jewish studies. |
Jennifer Jahner | English, California Institute of Technology Late medieval literature; law; poetics; multilingualism; manuscript study; gender; histories of medievalist scholarship and the reception of the Middle Ages. |
Leslie Ellen Jones | Medieval Welsh literature and history; British and Celtic folklore and mythology; Arthuriana; film and folklore. |
Constance Jordan | Emerita, English, Claremont Graduate University Comparative literature; Shakespeare; history of political thought. |
Bryan C. Keene (he/él/they/elle) | Art History, Riverside City College Manuscripts and art of a global Middle Ages; queer and trans premodern visual and textual cultures; medievalism and the fantasy genre; digital humanities; social media as scholarly praxis. |
Sharon D. King | Medieval and Renaissance drama; early cookbooks; women's studies; French wars of religion; military strategy; proto-science fiction; early modern Protestant mysticism. |
Sharon Kinoshita | Literature, UC Santa Cruz Medieval Mediterranean studies; medieval French and comparative/world literatures; postcolonial medievalisms; Marco Polo. |
Scott Kleinman | English, California State University, Northridge Medieval English historiography and regional culture; medieval English romance; Old English and Middle English philology. |
Aaron J. Kleist | English, Biola University Ælfric; Patristic and Old English theology; Elizabethan appropriation of Old English; dynamic digital editions; innovation and leadership in higher education. |
Leonard Michael Koff | Use of the Bible in literature; medieval literature, identities, and analogues; literature of medieval and Renaissance courts; Chaucer; Gower; Ricardian literary associations; Trecento literary connections; postmodern theory and the pre-modern text. |
Monique Kornell | History of anatomical illustration, 16th-18th centuries; anatomy books for artists; history of medicine. |
Thomas Kren | Medieval and Renaissance manuscript illumination; Late Medieval Netherlandish painting. |
John S. Langdon | Continuing Lecturer, UCLA, and Emeritus, The Marlborough School, Los Angeles The Emperor John III Ducas Vatatzes meets the challenge of Seljuqs, Mongols, and Crusaders in the eastern Mediterranean; Late Roman and Byzantine emperors as warriors; Byzantine Imperial consorts and princesses of the Anatolian Exile. |
Toby (Yuen-Gen) Liang | Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan) History of the Spanish Empire, North Africa, and the Mediterranean; oceanic and sea basin studies; environment, geography, landscape, space, and cartography; sensory perception; and family history. |
Leena Löfstedt | University of Helsinki Old French and Middle French philology. |
Guendalina Ajello Mahler | Italian art, architecture and urbanism 1300-1700; early modern festive ephemera. |
Peter C. Mancall | History, University of Southern California Early modern Atlantic world; early America; native America. |
Maya Maskarinec | History, University of Southern California Late Antiquity; Early Middle Ages; Rome; urban history; hagiography; legal history; historiography. |
Ryan Milov-Cordoba | Ancient Studies/Classics, Scripps College Greco-Arabic, Literary Theory, Narrative Medicine, Moroccan Oral Traditions |
Constance Moffatt | Art History, Pierce College Medieval and Renaissance art history; early modern history; architectural history; history of Milan; Leonardo Da Vinci. |
Fabien Montcher | History, Saint Louis University Early Modern history; social history; history of ideas; global history of knowledge; Iberian worlds; political cultures; empires; historiography; history of information; books; libraries; visual and political Cultures; food history. |
Elizabeth Morrison | Senior Curator of Manuscripts, J. Paul Getty Museum Medieval French secular manuscript illumination; bestiaries; Flemish Renaissance manuscripts; social and historical context of manuscripts. |
Michael O'Connell | Emeritus, English, UC Santa Barbara Renaissance literature; medieval and Renaissance drama; Shakespeare; Spenser; Milton. |
Roberta Panzanelli | Medieval and Renaissance art history; northern Italian art; religious art. |
Carme Font Paz | English, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Late medieval and early modern women’s writing; prophetic speech in a post-reformation context; seventeenth-century women’s poetry, reception, and intellectual history. |
Marta Albalá Pelegrín | English and Foreign Languages, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Medieval and Early Modern Spanish, French, Italian and English Drama; Italo-Spanish relationships in the 15th and 16th centuries; Diplomatic history; Humanism; Mediterranean Studies; Print and Visual Culture; Conceptual History; History of the Book. |
Alison Perchuk | Art History, California State University Channel Islands Visual arts, architecture, and monasticism in Italy and the Mediterranean basin, c. 800-1200. |
Mary Elizabeth Perry | Emerita, History, Occidental College History of marginal people and minorities, deviance, and disorder in early modern Spain; women's history. |
Renée Jennifer Raphael | History, University of California, Irvine Early modern science and technology; history of the book; history of archives. |
Alexandre M. Roberts | Classics, University of Southern California Byzantine and Middle Eastern intellectual history; classical traditions; history of science and religion; book culture. |
Jimena Rodríguez | Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA, Latin America, Colonial Studies, Sixteenth and Seventeenth century Chronicles and Narratives of exploration, Travel literature and Sea Travel Narratives. |
Mary Rouse | Retired Viator editor, CMRS-Center for Early Global Studies, UCLA Medieval manuscripts; history of medieval Paris. |
Erika Rummel | Emerita, Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Toronto Erasmus; intellectual history of early modern Europe; Humanism; Reformation. |
Mårten Söderblom Saarela | Asia specialist, Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller Qing empire; transnational history; history of science; history of scholarship; language in history. |
Mirko Sardelic | History, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts / University of Western Australia Cross-cultural exchange; history of emotions; medieval Eurasian nomads (esp. the Mongols); early modern maritime history; late medieval and early modern travels; sociolinguistics; cultural history of food. |
Christine Petra Sellin | Art History, California Lutheran University Religious art, literature, and narrative imagination of the early modern northern Netherlands; the Old Testament. |
Valerie Shepard | Senior Writer, Recreation, UCLA Medieval and Renaissance English literature; Milton; natural philosophy, cosmology and vitalism. |
Stephen H. A. Shepherd | English, Loyola Marymount University Middle English Romance; Malory; Langland; textual criticism; late medieval manuscripts in their material and social contexts. |
Cynthia Skenazi | French and Italian, UC Santa Barbara Renaissance literature and culture; rhetoric; architecture; aging studies. |
Jennifer A. T. Smith | English, Pepperdine University Medieval English literature; the trivium; vernacular theology; philology; alliterative verse; Reginald Pecock; digital pedagogy. |
Steve Sohmer | Fleming Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford Renaissance calendars and Tudor liturgies as they relate to the texts of Shakespeare’s plays. |
Timothy R. Tangher | Scandinavian, UC Berkeley Folklore, oral traditions, and rituals; Old Norse; social network analysis of saga. |
María Margarita Tascón González | University of León, Spain Medieval European history focusing on the Hispanic world; protocol history; nutrition history. |
Corey Tazzara | History, Scripps College Early modern Italy and the Mediterranean; economic history; political history; material culture. |
Elizabeth C. Teviotdale | Early medieval Christian liturgical manuscripts of the Latin West and their illumination. |
Alain Touwaide | Medieval and Renaissance medical manuscripts and early-printed books; medicine, pharmacy, and herbals in Byzantium, the Middle Ages, the Arabic world, and the Renaissance. |
Nancy Van Deusen | Music, Claremont Graduate University Musicology. |
Chet Van Duzer | Lazarus Project, University of Rochester Medieval and early modern cartography; multispectral imaging for the study of damaged manuscripts. |
Robert S. Westman | Medieval historiography; court culture and literature; chivalric romance and courtly love; textual criticism and transmission. |
Robert S. Westman | History and Science Studies, UC San Diego Early modern science; Copernican studies; astrological culture. |
Vanessa Wilkie | William A. Moffett Curator of Medieval Manuscripts and British History, Huntington Library Early modern British history, gender, and family history; British archives; manuscript studies. |
Sabina Zonno | USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute Medieval and Renaissance art history; French Gothic illuminated manuscripts; gender. |