
CMRS-CEGS Associates are scholars holding a Ph.D. or the equivalent who specialize in any aspect of studies of the periods from the 3rd to the 17th century CE across the globe To be granted associate status, a scholar must be nominated by a CMRS faculty member and approved by the Center’s Faculty Advisory Committee. Most CMRS-CEGS Associates hold academic positions at other local educational institutions or research facilities, or are established independent scholars.

Eric C. ApfelstadtRenaissance Italian art, architecture, and artistic patronage.
Damian BacichSan Jose State University Ibero-American colonial literatures and cultures; transatlantic humanism; Neoplatonism.
Thomas BartonHistory, University of San Diego Medieval social, political, and institutional history; ethno-religious relations; Iberia; the Crown of Aragon, and the wider Mediterranean.
Susannah F. BaxendaleSocial and political history in Renaissance Italy; family and women's issues; early business history.
Marina BelozerskayaBurgundian court; alchemy, luxury and other arts of the Renaissance; exotic animals, travel and piracy around the Mediterranean.
Yonatan BinyamPremodern race studies; apocalypticism and race in late antiquity; medieval Ethiopian history; Josephus; Sefer Yosippon; Zena Ayhud.
Lisa M. BitelHistory, University of Southern California Late antique/early medieval European history; Ireland and Britain; pre-modern religions.
Heather BlurtonEnglish and Comparative Literature, UC Santa Barbara High medieval English, French, and Latin literature; history of medieval antisemitism; medievalism.
Matthew Brosamer
English, Mount St. Mary's College Chaucer; Old English literature; church history; monastic theology; the seven deadly sins.
Cynthia BrownFrench, UC Santa Barbara Late medieval and early Renaissance French literature and culture; text editing; history of the book.
Warren C. BrownHistory, California Institute of Technology Early and Central Middle Ages; conflict resolution; history of power; history of writing.
Gale C. BrunelleHistory, California State University, Fullerton Early modern commerce, merchants, women and wealth; the Atlantic world.
Sara Frances BurdorffClassical myth, epic, and drama; premodern obstetrics and gynecology; monsters and monstrosity; Old English literature; medieval and early modern mythography and folklore; Shakespeare.
Silvia Orvietani BuschAssociate Director, UCLA Donor Relations Medieval Mediterranean history, archaeology, and ports; Mediterranean navigation; maritime history.
Michael CalabreseEnglish, California State University, Los Angeles Medieval English literature (Chaucer, Langland); medieval amatory tradition (Ovid, Boccaccio); medieval masculinity.
José Cartagena-CalderónRomance Languages and Literature, Pomona College Medieval and early modern Spanish literature.
Brian CatlosReligious Studies, University of Colorado-Boulder, and Humanities, UC Santa Cruz Mediterranean studies; relations between ethno-religious minorities in pre-modern Europe and the Islamic world; inter-confessional relations in the Middle Ages.
Rafael ChabránModern Languages, Whittier College Life and works of Francisco Hernández; Cervantes and medicine; history of science and medicine in sixteenth-and seventeenth-century Spain and Mexico.
Paul E. CheveddenResearch Affiliate-Research Fellow, History, University of Texas at Austin Medieval Mediterranean history; Crusades; medieval artillery; early photography of the Middle East.
Stanley ChodorowHistory, UC San Diego Legal history; canon law; church and state.
David Horacio ColmenaresComparative Literature, UC Irvine Colonial Mexico; Mesoamerican Studies; Visual Culture; Antiquarianism; Early Modern Iberia.
Paula R. CurtisPostdoctoral Fellow, History, UCLA Medieval Japan; social history; economic history; artisans; documentary forgery.
Luisa Del GiudiceEthnology; Italian and Italian diaspora culture and oral history.
Rowan DorinHistory, Stanford University Western Europe and the Mediterranean during the high and late Middle Ages; interaction of law and society especially where legal norms conflict with social practices; history of economic life and economic thought; usury and moneylending; circulation of goods, people, and ideas.
Elsa DuvalLecturer, ELTS, UCLA Medieval history and its reception in the contemporary world; cultural diplomacy; history of heritage conservation
Claire Joan FaragoArt and Art History, University of Colorado Boulder Renaissance art theory; cultural exchange between Europe and the rest of the world; processes of globalization; critical historiography of the discipline; materiality of the sacred; history of style; museums and collecting practices; reception of art and ideas about art.
Gail FeigenbaumRetired, The Getty Research Institute Baroque art; religious art.
Valeria FinucciProfessor of Italian and Theater Studies, Duke University Renaissance Italian; History of medicine; Theater; Epic; Costume Books; Gender Studies and Women Writers.
Devin FitzgeraldCurator of Rare Books and History of Printing, UCLA Library, Young Research Library, Special Collections Western and East Asian book history; bibliography.
Andrew FleckEnglish, University of Texas at El Paso The Dutch in English national identity.
Xochitl Flores-MarcialHistory, CSU Northridge Interdisciplinary Historian; Indigenous Intellectual and Cultural History focusing on the Zapotec society of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Diane GhirardoSchool of Architecture, University of Southern California Women’s spaces in Renaissance Italy; Italian Renaissance architecture; contemporary Italian architecture; Lucrezia Borgia; Renaissance Ferrara.
Claire GilbertHistory, Saint Louis University Late Medieval/Early Modern Spain and the western Mediterranean; language contact and multilingualism between Arabic and Romance languages; social history of language and the history of linguistics; history of translation.
James GivenHistory, UC Irvine Medieval social and political history and conflict; heresy and inquisition in Languedoc.
Joseph GonzalezLiberal Studies, California State University, Fullerton Late medieval and Renaissance Scandinavia and Europe; cultural and intellectual history; ritual studies.
Piotr S. GóreckiHistory, UC Riverside Early and central Middle Ages; Poland and east-central Europe; legal history in a social context; relationship between communities and judicial institutions.
George L. GorseArt History, Pomona College Art history of the Middle Ages and Renaissance; urban space and artistic patronage in Renaissance Italy.
Lawrence D. GreenEnglish, University of Southern California The Renaissance; rhetoric; linguistics.
Hilary A. HaakensonArt History and Interdisciplinary Education, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Late Medieval and Renaissance art history; Mediterranean studies; material culture; cartography; art of empire; cosmography.
Justin HaynesClassics, UC Davis Virgil & the epic tradition; ancient & medieval literary criticism; Latin textual criticism; paleography.
Susana Hernández AraicoEmerita, English and Foreign Languages, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Early modern Hispanic literature; music in theatre; commercial, street, and court theater in Spain: tragicomedies, autos sacramentals, chivalry masques; secular and religious pieces in 17th-century Spanish viceroyalties of New Spain and Peru.
Maryanne Cline HorowitzHistory, Occidental College Age of Renaissance and Encounter; humanists and mapmakers; personifications; visual cues to collections; the mind as a garden; Stoicism; Skepticism; cultural history of ideas.
Franka HorvatArt History, UCLA Interconnection of social, artistic and economic aspects in medieval Byzantine landscapes, with a particular emphasis on the relationship of islands and mainland, as well as rural areas and urban centers, on the borderline between the East and the West.
Nicole T. HughesIberian and Latin American Cultures, Stanford University New Spain (Mexico) and Brazil in the sixteenth century.
Patrick HuntCenter for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Stanford University Late Antiquity through Renaissance.
C. Stephen JaegerEmeritus, German, Comparative Literature, and Program in Medieval Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign German and Latin literature of the Middle Ages.
Erith Jaffe-BergTheatre, Film and Digital Production, UC Riverside Early Modern theatre; commedia dell'arte; multilingual theatre; minority cultural groups in early modernity; Mediterranean Studies; Early Modern Jewish studies.
Jennifer JahnerEnglish, California Institute of Technology Late medieval literature; law; poetics; multilingualism; manuscript study; gender; histories of medievalist scholarship and the reception of the Middle Ages.
Leslie Ellen JonesMedieval Welsh literature and history; British and Celtic folklore and mythology; Arthuriana; film and folklore.
Constance JordanEmerita, English, Claremont Graduate University Comparative literature; Shakespeare; history of political thought.
Bryan C. Keene (he/él/they/elle)Art History, Riverside City College Manuscripts and art of a global Middle Ages; queer and trans premodern visual and textual cultures; medievalism and the fantasy genre; digital humanities; social media as scholarly praxis.
Sharon D. KingMedieval and Renaissance drama; early cookbooks; women's studies; French wars of religion; military strategy; proto-science fiction; early modern Protestant mysticism.
Sharon KinoshitaLiterature, UC Santa Cruz Medieval Mediterranean studies; medieval French and comparative/world literatures; postcolonial medievalisms; Marco Polo.
Scott KleinmanEnglish, California State University, Northridge Medieval English historiography and regional culture; medieval English romance; Old English and Middle English philology.
Aaron J. KleistEnglish, Biola University Ælfric; Patristic and Old English theology; Elizabethan appropriation of Old English; dynamic digital editions; innovation and leadership in higher education.
Leonard Michael KoffUse of the Bible in literature; medieval literature, identities, and analogues; literature of medieval and Renaissance courts; Chaucer; Gower; Ricardian literary associations; Trecento literary connections; postmodern theory and the pre-modern text.
Monique KornellHistory of anatomical illustration, 16th-18th centuries; anatomy books for artists; history of medicine.
Thomas KrenMedieval and Renaissance manuscript illumination; Late Medieval Netherlandish painting.
John S. LangdonContinuing Lecturer, UCLA, and Emeritus, The Marlborough School, Los Angeles The Emperor John III Ducas Vatatzes meets the challenge of Seljuqs, Mongols, and Crusaders in the eastern Mediterranean; Late Roman and Byzantine emperors as warriors; Byzantine Imperial consorts and princesses of the Anatolian Exile.
Toby (Yuen-Gen) LiangAssociate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan) History of the Spanish Empire, North Africa, and the Mediterranean; oceanic and sea basin studies; environment, geography, landscape, space, and cartography; sensory perception; and family history.
Leena LöfstedtUniversity of Helsinki Old French and Middle French philology.
Guendalina Ajello MahlerItalian art, architecture and urbanism 1300-1700; early modern festive ephemera.
Peter C. MancallHistory, University of Southern California Early modern Atlantic world; early America; native America.
Maya MaskarinecHistory, University of Southern California Late Antiquity; Early Middle Ages; Rome; urban history; hagiography; legal history; historiography.
Ryan Milov-CordobaAncient Studies/Classics, Scripps College Greco-Arabic, Literary Theory, Narrative Medicine, Moroccan Oral Traditions
Constance MoffattArt History, Pierce College Medieval and Renaissance art history; early modern history; architectural history; history of Milan; Leonardo Da Vinci.
Fabien MontcherHistory, Saint Louis University Early Modern history; social history; history of ideas; global history of knowledge; Iberian worlds; political cultures; empires; historiography; history of information; books; libraries; visual and political Cultures; food history.
Elizabeth MorrisonSenior Curator of Manuscripts, J. Paul Getty Museum Medieval French secular manuscript illumination; bestiaries; Flemish Renaissance manuscripts; social and historical context of manuscripts.
Michael O'ConnellEmeritus, English, UC Santa Barbara Renaissance literature; medieval and Renaissance drama; Shakespeare; Spenser; Milton.
Roberta PanzanelliMedieval and Renaissance art history; northern Italian art; religious art.
Carme Font PazEnglish, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Late medieval and early modern women’s writing; prophetic speech in a post-reformation context; seventeenth-century women’s poetry, reception, and intellectual history.
Marta Albalá PelegrínEnglish and Foreign Languages, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Medieval and Early Modern Spanish, French, Italian and English Drama; Italo-Spanish relationships in the 15th and 16th centuries; Diplomatic history; Humanism; Mediterranean Studies; Print and Visual Culture; Conceptual History; History of the Book.
Alison PerchukArt History, California State University Channel Islands Visual arts, architecture, and monasticism in Italy and the Mediterranean basin, c. 800-1200.
Mary Elizabeth PerryEmerita, History, Occidental College History of marginal people and minorities, deviance, and disorder in early modern Spain; women's history.
Renée Jennifer RaphaelHistory, University of California, Irvine Early modern science and technology; history of the book; history of archives.
Alexandre M. RobertsClassics, University of Southern California Byzantine and Middle Eastern intellectual history; classical traditions; history of science and religion; book culture.
Jimena RodríguezSpanish and Portuguese, UCLA, Latin America, Colonial Studies, Sixteenth and Seventeenth century Chronicles and Narratives of exploration, Travel literature and Sea Travel Narratives.
Mary RouseRetired Viator editor, CMRS-Center for Early Global Studies, UCLA Medieval manuscripts; history of medieval Paris.
Erika RummelEmerita, Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Toronto Erasmus; intellectual history of early modern Europe; Humanism; Reformation.
Mårten Söderblom SaarelaAsia specialist, Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller Qing empire; transnational history; history of science; history of scholarship; language in history.
Mirko SardelicHistory, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts / University of Western Australia Cross-cultural exchange; history of emotions; medieval Eurasian nomads (esp. the Mongols); early modern maritime history; late medieval and early modern travels; sociolinguistics; cultural history of food.
Christine Petra SellinArt History, California Lutheran University Religious art, literature, and narrative imagination of the early modern northern Netherlands; the Old Testament.
Valerie ShepardSenior Writer, Recreation, UCLA Medieval and Renaissance English literature; Milton; natural philosophy, cosmology and vitalism.
Stephen H. A. ShepherdEnglish, Loyola Marymount University Middle English Romance; Malory; Langland; textual criticism; late medieval manuscripts in their material and social contexts.
Cynthia SkenaziFrench and Italian, UC Santa Barbara Renaissance literature and culture; rhetoric; architecture; aging studies.
Jennifer A. T. SmithEnglish, Pepperdine University Medieval English literature; the trivium; vernacular theology; philology; alliterative verse; Reginald Pecock; digital pedagogy.
Steve SohmerFleming Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford Renaissance calendars and Tudor liturgies as they relate to the texts of Shakespeare’s plays.
Timothy R. TangherScandinavian, UC Berkeley Folklore, oral traditions, and rituals; Old Norse; social network analysis of saga.
María Margarita Tascón GonzálezUniversity of León, Spain Medieval European history focusing on the Hispanic world; protocol history; nutrition history.
Corey TazzaraHistory, Scripps College Early modern Italy and the Mediterranean; economic history; political history; material culture.
Elizabeth C. TeviotdaleEarly medieval Christian liturgical manuscripts of the Latin West and their illumination.
Alain TouwaideMedieval and Renaissance medical manuscripts and early-printed books; medicine, pharmacy, and herbals in Byzantium, the Middle Ages, the Arabic world, and the Renaissance.
Nancy Van DeusenMusic, Claremont Graduate University Musicology.
Chet Van DuzerLazarus Project, University of Rochester Medieval and early modern cartography; multispectral imaging for the study of damaged manuscripts.
Robert S. WestmanMedieval historiography; court culture and literature; chivalric romance and courtly love; textual criticism and transmission.
Robert S. WestmanHistory and Science Studies, UC San Diego Early modern science; Copernican studies; astrological culture.
Vanessa WilkieWilliam A. Moffett Curator of Medieval Manuscripts and British History, Huntington Library Early modern British history, gender, and family history; British archives; manuscript studies.
Sabina ZonnoUSC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute Medieval and Renaissance art history; French Gothic illuminated manuscripts; gender.