Seven essays from the 2018 CMRS Conference “Iberia, the Mediterranean, and the World in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods” are featured as a dossier in Volume 40 of Pedralbes, Revista d’història moderna (2020). Published under the auspices of the Universitat de Barcelona, the journal is open-access and the articles are free to download.
- Introduction: “Iberia, the Mediterranean and the larger world in the late medieval and early modern periods”
Thomas W. Barton, Marie A. Kelleher, Antonio M. Zaldívar - “Mediterranean trade in the Pyrenees: Italian merchants in Puigcerdà, 1300-1360.”
Elizabeth Comuzzi - “Insuring life, insuring debt: Life insurance in sixteenth-century Spain.”
Hilario Casado Alonso - “Mediterranean horse cultures: Greek, Roman and Arabic equine texts in late medieval and early modern Andalusia.”
Kathryn Renton - “Professions of exchange: Circulating expertise between Spanish Habsburg lands and Saadian Morocco.”
Claire Gilbert - “Bonds of sweetness: A political and intellectual history of citrus circulations across the Western Mediterranean during the Late Renaissance.”
Fabien Montcher - “Apostasy, usurpation, and biblical genealogies: The question of sovereignty in Iberian encounters in the tropics (15th-16th centuries).”
Andrew Devereux - “Hidden subjectivities in objective measures: Spanish perceptions of geographic space in North Africa.”
Yuen-Gen Liang