Virtual Exhibitions of the Carolingian Libraries

A library can be a daunting place: where to start amongst so many books? In this section we aim to offer introductions to our Carolingian digital library, so that non-specialists can begin to understand some of the interesting features of the collection.

Listed below are a series of virtual ‘exhibitions’ of our library that we have commissioned from various scholars. These exhibitions work the same way as a museum exhibit: they are structured around a central theme, which is illustrated by examples from our collection. Our manuscripts, for example, can tell us a great deal about what monastic life was like at Reichenau and St Gall, or how the Bible was understood in the early Middle Ages.

Choose an exhibition below for an introduction to the topic and to our manuscripts:

  1. The Libraries, Librarians and Library Catalogues of Reichenau and St. Gall
    by Prof. David Ganz, King’s College, London
  2. Book Production and Illuminations from Reichenau and St Gall
    by Prof. Adam Cohen, University of Toronto
  3. Monastic Life Virtual Tour
    by Dr. Julian Hendrix, UCLA/Carthage College
  4. An Introduction to Reading Carolingian Manuscripts
    by Dr. Richard M. Pollard, UCLA
  5. Carolingian Literature at Reichenau and St. Gall
    by Dr. Richard M. Pollard, UCLA
  6. Classical Manuscripts at St Gall and Reichenau
    by Dr. David Butterfield, Queens’ College, Cambridge
  7. The Use of German in Reichenau and St Gall manuscripts
    by Prof. Anna Grotans, Ohio State University
  8. Reckoning Time at Reichenau and St Gall Computistics
    by Prof. John Contreni, Purdue University
  9. Laws and Formularies in Reichenau and St Gall manuscripts
    by Dr. Alice Rio, King’s College, London

Carolingian Culture at Reichenau and St. Gall