Call to Faculty for 2024-2025 Research Seminar Proposals

Dear Colleagues:

CMRS-CEGS faculty are invited to propose a Research Seminar to be offered AY 2024-2025. These Seminars are transdisciplinary graduate-level classes with subject matter related to our chronological focus, third through the mid-seventeenth century. Fall quarter seminars serve as a methodology course. The Center provides funding to bring up to three guest speakers to UCLA to participate in the class. Proposals that fit one or more of the five research axes that help structure the work of the Center or are linked to one or more of the Center’s thematic priorities for 2023-2025, are especially welcomed. These classes will be included in the list of graduate seminars that fulfill the requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Global Medieval Studies.

Proposals should include a description, no longer than a thousand words, of (a) the seminar topic; (b) the quarter it would be offered; and (c) a budget estimating expenses (maximum $5,000). They should be submitted to by March 1, 2024.


Zrinka Stahuljak

Director, CMRS Center for Early Global Studies