
Friday, April 26, 2019
  • 10:00 AM
    Registration, coffee, pastries
  • 10:20
    Welcoming Remarks
  • 10:30
    Session I - Chair: Chris Chism (UCLA)

    Jennifer Jahner (Caltech)
    “Thomas Becket, Outremer, and the Topographies of Thirteenth-Century Law and Devotion”

    Sarah Salih (King’s College London) “Thomas Becket’s Saracen Mother: Race and Nation in the South English Legendaries”

  • 12:00 PM
    Lunch Break
  • 1:30
    Session II - Chair: Erica Weaver (UCLA)

    Rosalind Love (University of Cambridge)
    “Negotiating the Boundaries of Genre, Fact, and Fiction in the Latin Hagiography of Eleventh-Century England”

    Michael Staunton (University College, Dublin)
    “Textual Conflicts and Common Interests in the Historiography of Angevin England”

  • 3:00
  • 3:15
    Session III - Chairs: Matthew Fisher (UCLA) and Arvind _ omas (UCLA)

    Papers, Response Papers, and Roundtable Discussion featuring UCLA Students:

    Kuhelika Ghosh
    “Affective Piety and Feminism in the Mysticism of St. Catherine of Genoa”

    Jasmine Paek
    “The Fluidity of Christ’s Roles and Transformations to Establish Male Authority Within Female Devotional Lives”

    Respondents: Rafael Jaime, Jonathan Bellairs, Rhonda Sharrah

Saturday, April 27, 2019
  • 9:00 AM
    Coffee, pastries, fruit
  • 9:30
    Session IV - Chair: Arvind Thomas (UCLA)

    Carolinne White (Oxford University)
    “The Wanton Nun of Watton: Moral and Generic Ambiguity in Aelred of Rievaulx”

    Manu Radhakrishnan (Associated Fellow, Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
    “Domenico Cavalca and Insular Romance: The Italian Reception of the Life of Patrick and St. Patrick’s Purgatory”

  • 11:00
  • 11:15
    Session V - Chair: Matthew Fisher (UCLA)

    Dyan Elliott (Northwestern University)
    “Sanctity, Sodomy, and Monarchy in Anglo-Norman England”

    Marisa Libbon (Bard College)
    “Isabel of Lancaster, Edward III, and ‘a book of romance purchased from her ad opus domini regis’”