Friday, April 26, 2019
10:00 AM
Registration, coffee, pastries
Welcoming Remarks
Session I - Chair: Chris Chism (UCLA)
Jennifer Jahner (Caltech)
“Thomas Becket, Outremer, and the Topographies of Thirteenth-Century Law and Devotion”Sarah Salih (King’s College London) “Thomas Becket’s Saracen Mother: Race and Nation in the South English Legendaries”
12:00 PM
Lunch Break
Session II - Chair: Erica Weaver (UCLA)
Rosalind Love (University of Cambridge)
“Negotiating the Boundaries of Genre, Fact, and Fiction in the Latin Hagiography of Eleventh-Century England”Michael Staunton (University College, Dublin)
“Textual Conflicts and Common Interests in the Historiography of Angevin England” -
Session III - Chairs: Matthew Fisher (UCLA) and Arvind _ omas (UCLA)
Papers, Response Papers, and Roundtable Discussion featuring UCLA Students:
Kuhelika Ghosh
“Affective Piety and Feminism in the Mysticism of St. Catherine of Genoa”Jasmine Paek
“The Fluidity of Christ’s Roles and Transformations to Establish Male Authority Within Female Devotional Lives”Respondents: Rafael Jaime, Jonathan Bellairs, Rhonda Sharrah
Saturday, April 27, 2019
9:00 AM
Coffee, pastries, fruit
Session IV - Chair: Arvind Thomas (UCLA)
Carolinne White (Oxford University)
“The Wanton Nun of Watton: Moral and Generic Ambiguity in Aelred of Rievaulx”Manu Radhakrishnan (Associated Fellow, Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
“Domenico Cavalca and Insular Romance: The Italian Reception of the Life of Patrick and St. Patrick’s Purgatory” -
Session V - Chair: Matthew Fisher (UCLA)
Dyan Elliott (Northwestern University)
“Sanctity, Sodomy, and Monarchy in Anglo-Norman England”Marisa Libbon (Bard College)
“Isabel of Lancaster, Edward III, and ‘a book of romance purchased from her ad opus domini regis’”