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Thursday, October 11, 2018
Introduction and Welcome
Scott L. Waugh, Executive Vice-Chancellor and Provost (UCLA)
Massimo Ciavolella, CMRS Director (UCLA)
Zrinka Stahuljak, Professor of Comparative Literature and French & Francophone Studies (UCLA)
Stephen Aron, Professor of History (UCLA) -
Iberia, A Land of Three Religions, Part 1 | Chair: Marie Kelleher (California State University Long Beach)
“Moros y Cristianos: Rulers and Rituals in Medieval Iberia”
Hussein Fancy (University of Michigan)“Sonic Dimensions of the Christian Entry into Granada, 1492”
Jarbel Rodriguez (San Francisco State University)“Visualizing Muslims in Christian Europe, 16th-18th c.”
Lucette Valensi (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales)“‘Tramet me tots los comptes que tens ordenadament’ Enslaved Women as Commercial Agents in the Late Medieval Mediterranean World”
Debra Blumenthal (UC Santa Barbara) -
Plenary Lecture
“The Hybrid History of Conversion and Race in Christianity and Islam”
David Nirenberg (University of Chicago)
Friday, October 12, 2018
Religion in Medieval and Early Modern Spain | Chair: Richard Ibarra (UCLA)
“Men of Trent: Early Jesuits on the Sacrifice of the Mass”
Sam Zeno Conedera, S.J. (Independent Scholar)“Intertwining Granada and North Africa: Mobility and Family Ties in the Late Medieval Western Islamic Mediterranean”
Roser Salicrú i Lluch (Institució Milà i Fontanals – CSIC, Barcelona)“Blood in the Streets: The Conflict Over Black Confraternities in Early Modern Andalucía”
Erin Rowe (Johns Hopkins University)“El mundo en España. Peregrinos y Cruzados”
Adeline Rucquoi (French National Center for Scientific Research) -
The Politics of Language | Chair: John Dagenais (UCLA) and Iván Cabeza Fernández (Independent Scholar)
“Language Expertise and Mediterranean Experience: The Case of Don Jorge Henin, Flemish Alfaqueque and Hombre de Estado for Hire”
Claire Gilbert (Saint Louis University)“Fernando’s Castilian: From Latin to Romance in the Thirteenth-Century Royal Chancery”
Antonio Zaldívar (California State University San Marcos)“Anti-Aljamiado: Inverted Alphabets and Subverted Languages in the Antialcoranes”
Ryan Szpiech (University of Michigan) -
Lunch Break
Culture and Politics in Iberia and Beyond | Chair: Alexandre Roberts (USC)
“Imperial Sovereignty in the Mediterranean: The Papacy, Portuguese Kings, and Morrocan Sheriffs”
Céline Dauverd (University of Colorado, Boulder)“The Declinación of the Hidden One: Encubertismo During the Reigns of the Later Spanish Habsburgs”
Bryan Givens (Pepperdine University)“Scholars of Fortune: Iberian Bibliopolitics Across European Late Renaissance Conflicts”
Fabien Montcher (Saint Louis University)“Cultural Capitals: Patronage and Politics in the Crown of Aragon and the Western Mediterranean”
Núria Silleras-Fernández (University of Colorado, Boulder) -
Historiography and the Writing of History | Chair: Maya Maskarinec (USC)
“Bringing the Public Sphere into Play: The Spanish Case”
James Amelang (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)“The Study of the Middle Ages in Eighteenth-Century Catalonia”
Paul Freedman (Yale University)“History Writing in Early Modern Spain: Feats, Records, Memory”
Xavier Gil (University of Barcelona)“‘To thy own self be true’: Self-Censorship, Pedro de Valencia, and His History (Never-Written) of Chile”
Richard Kagan (Johns Hopkins University) -
Saturday , October 13, 2018
Trade and Taxation | Chair: Robert Iafolla (UCLA)
“The Maritime Insurance Business in Spain in the 16th Century”
Hilario Casado Alonso (University of Valladolid)“Mediterranean Trade in the Pyrenees: Italian Merchants in Puigcerdà 1300-1350”
Elizabeth Comuzzi (UCLA)“The Cortes of Madrigal of 1438 and Castilian Taxation”
Denis Menjot (University of Lyons)“From Mediterranean to the Atlantic: the Role of the Town-Ports of Northern Iberia in the First Internationalization of the European Economy in the Middle Ages”
Jesús Ángel Solórzano-Telechea (University of Cantabria) -
Iberia: A Land of Three Religions, Part 2 | Chairs: Abraham Udovitch (Princeton University) and Kenneth Wolf (Pomona College)
“Desecrators or True Citizens? Categorizing Ethno-Religious Interaction in the Medieval Crown of Aragon”
Thomas Barton (University of San Diego)“Ruling Between and Across the Lines: Liminal Identities and Political Legitimacy in Al-Andalus”
Travis Bruce (McGill University)“Beyond Nostalgia: Berber ‘Puritans’ and the End of Andalusi Convivencia?”
Brian Catlos (University of Colorado, Boulder)“Landscapes of Salvation, Landscapes of Power: Jews, Christians, and Urban Space in Fourteenth-Century Seville”
Maya Soifer Irish (Rice University) -
Lunch Break
Literature & Interchange in Iberia and the Mediterranean | Chair: Nitzaira Delgado-Garcia (UCLA)
“Between the Darkness and the Light: al-Idrisi’s Iberia”
Christine Chism (UCLA)“Reading Backwards: Mateo Alemán’s ‘Ozmín and Daraja’ and Giovanni Boccacio’s Decameron 4.4 in the Pre- and Early Modern Mediterranean”
Sharon Kinoshita (UC Santa Cruz)“’You Half-Crazed Visigoths!’”: Insults and Group Identity in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain”
Sarah J. Pearce (New York University)“Mediterranean Horse Cultures: Greek, Roman and Arabic Equine Texts in Late Medieval and Early Modern Andalusia”
Kathryn Renton (UCLA) -
Iberia Encounters the World | Chairs: Meredith Cohen (UCLA) and Sharon Gerstel (UCLA)
“Children of Adam: Iberians, the Tropics, and Encounters with Gentiles in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Atlantic”
Andrew Devereux (UC San Diego)“Medieval Encounters between Iberia, the Mediterranean and Asia: Myths and Realities”
Francisco García-Serrano (Saint Louis University)“Medieval Antecedents of Mediterranean Geography”
Judith Herrin (King’s College London)“Subjective Geographies in Spanish Encounters with North Africa, 1492-1558”
Yuen-Gen Liang (Academia Sinica) -
Concluding Remarks by the Conference Organizers
Thomas Barton, University of San Diego
Marie Kelleher, California State University Long Beach
Antonio Zaldívar, California State University San Marcos